using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace CSharpCoBan
public class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
#region KHỞI ĐỘNG
Console.Title = "Header"; // đặt tiêu đề cho Màn hình console
Console.OutputEncoding = UnicodeEncoding.Unicode; // Output trên màn hình có thể hiển thị Unicode
//Thread.Sleep(5000); // sẽ đóng màn hình sau 5000 mili giây = 5 giây.
float f = 5.6f; // khai báo kiểu float phải có f ở sau cùng.
double x = 5.5;
#region Kiểu enum
const int cc = 4;
//cc = 10;
* */
Console.InputEncoding = UnicodeEncoding.Unicode;
Console.OutputEncoding = UnicodeEncoding.Unicode;
CollegeStudent cs = new CollegeStudent();
UniversityStudent us = new UniversityStudent();
//thu kiem tra ve ham tao voi tinh ke thua
//Student sv01 = new CollegeStudent();
//Student sv03 = new UniversityStudent();
//CollegeStudent x = new CollegeStudent();
//UniversityStudent y = new UniversityStudent();
Console.Read(); // dừng màn hình
#region Ke thua da hinh
Ví dụ về kế thừa và đa hình trong C#
- Xây dựng lớp SV
+ thuộc tính: họ tên, năm sinh
+ phương thức: Khởi tạo, nhập thông tin
- Xây dựng lớp SVCD kế thừa lớp SV
Bổ sung:
+ thuộc tính: điểm năm 1, điểm năm 2, điểm năm 3
+ phương thức: tính điểm tổng kết, in thông tin
- Xây dựng lớp SVDH kế thừa lớp SVCD
Bổ sung:
+ thuộc tính: điểm năm 4
Yêu cầu:
- Khởi tạo mỗi lớp 1 đối tượng, thực hiện nhập thông tin, in thông tin.
public abstract class Student
protected string fullName;
protected int yearOfBirth;
/// <summary>
/// Ham khoi dung doi tuong
/// </summary>`
/// <param name="fullName"></param>
/// <param name="yearOfBirth"></param>
public Student() { }
public Student(string fullName, int yearOfBirth)
this.fullName = fullName;
this.yearOfBirth = yearOfBirth;
/// <summary>
/// Ham nhap thong tin Sinh vien
/// </summary>
public virtual void EnterInformation()
Console.Write("Input FullName: ");
this.fullName = Console.ReadLine();
Console.Write("Input Year of birth: ");
this.yearOfBirth = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
public abstract void _ToString();
public abstract double SummaryPoint();
public abstract void DisplayInformation();
public class CollegeStudent : Student
private double pointOfYear01;
private double pointOfYear02;
private double pointOfYear03;
public double PointOfYear01
get { return pointOfYear01; }
set { pointOfYear01 = value; }
public double PointOfYear02
get { return pointOfYear02; }
set { pointOfYear02 = value; }
public double PointOfYear03
get { return pointOfYear03; }
set { pointOfYear03 = value; }
public CollegeStudent() { }
/// <summary>
/// Ham tao sinh vien cao dang
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fullName"></param>
/// <param name="yearOfBirth"></param>
/// <param name="pointOfYear01"></param>
/// <param name="pointOfYear02"></param>
/// <param name="pointOfYear03"></param>
public CollegeStudent(string fullName, int yearOfBirth, double pointOfYear01, double pointOfYear02, double pointOfYear03)
: base(fullName, yearOfBirth)
this.pointOfYear01 = pointOfYear01;
this.pointOfYear02 = pointOfYear02;
this.pointOfYear03 = pointOfYear03;
public override void EnterInformation()
Console.Write("Input point of year 01: ");
this.pointOfYear01 = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("Input point of year 02: ");
this.pointOfYear02 = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("Input point of year 03: ");
this.pointOfYear03 = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
/// <summary>
/// Tinh diem tong ket
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public override double SummaryPoint()
return (pointOfYear01 + pointOfYear02 + pointOfYear03) / 3;
/// <summary>
/// Ham xuat thong tin sinh vien cao dang
/// </summary>
public override void DisplayInformation()
Console.WriteLine(" College Student: {0}, YearOfBirth: {1}, Point: {2}", this.fullName, this.yearOfBirth, this.SummaryPoint());
/// <summary>
/// Ham hien thi loai sinh vien
/// </summary>
public override void _ToString()
Console.WriteLine("This is College Student");
public class UniversityStudent : CollegeStudent
private double pointOfYear04;
public double PointOfYear04
get { return pointOfYear04; }
set { pointOfYear04 = value; }
public UniversityStudent() { }
public UniversityStudent(string fullName, int yearOfBirth, double pointOfYear01, double pointOfYear02, double pointOfYear03, double pointOfYear04)
: base(fullName, yearOfBirth, pointOfYear01, pointOfYear02, pointOfYear03)
this.pointOfYear04 = pointOfYear04;
public override void EnterInformation()
Console.Write("Input point of year 04: ");
this.pointOfYear04 = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
public override double SummaryPoint()
return (this.PointOfYear01 + this.PointOfYear02 + this.PointOfYear03 + this.PointOfYear04) / 4;
public override void DisplayInformation()
Console.WriteLine(" University Student: {0}, YearOfBirth: {1}, Point: {2}", this.fullName, this.yearOfBirth, this.SummaryPoint());
public override void _ToString()
Console.WriteLine("This is University Student");